Safety first1

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first2

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first3

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first4

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first5

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Safety first6

Don't worry about anything anymore. Ever. Period.

Gone are the days when you had to think about bookmarking, deleting history or whatever else you had to think about. Actually.. all you have to do is think. So, maybe the days of thinkin aren't over. But it's safe to say that everything happens if you want it to and there will be no one to tell you otherwise or sneak into your system.

Let's look at some of the features

  • Remember everything

    Don't ever forget anything again. The chip in your brain makes sure everything is kept. And kept safe forever and ever.

  • Up-to-date 24/7

    On our end we'll make sure you're updated with the newest software. It happens while you sleep and it doesn't take more than a few minutes.

  • Full power

    You're the battery, so don't ever worry about power. As long as your heart beats you're online and only when you're finally dead you're out of power.

  • Chat with everyone Not Included In Beta

    Want to call your mom? Your son? Your best friend? All you have to do is imagine them and you'll be redirected instantly.

  • Service provided

    If the chip or lens malfunctions we're here to help day and night. Call us or go online where pretty ladies sit at telephones. We're at your service.

  • Growing community

    We're growing fast so join in while you can and the Beta is free. It won't be long until we go gold and then you'd have to pay a lot!

  • Sustenance via chipComing Soon

    Soon we'll implement something incredible: You won't have to ever eat or drink again.. quite useful for busy businessmen and others.

  • Save money

    No need to buy smart phones, computers, speakers, radios or anything else. It's all there in your brain and in your eye ready for use.

移动网络营销平台有哪些迅腾科技-专注网络安全全网营销课程营销4.0广西信息安全网络安全吧网站制作青岛信息安全联盟章程范本分析出现信息安全原因的作文怎样学好网络安全邪剑燕支的意外发掘,牵扯出一桩百年冤案。洛家长子洛知行中千机散之毒,危在旦夕。唯有找到退隐江湖的魔尊白苏子才能救他于水火。百年断点,熟悉的情节再度上演,真凶是否另有其人,洛薇、宫寞霖、夏无攸、郁雪吟为救知己洛知行,集结一方,踏上未知的征途。随着旅行的深入,那些不为人知的故事如抽丝剥茧,渐渐浮出水面……有少年和尚,喝酒吃肉,醉卧美人膝,由魔入佛…… 有少年道士,一只青驴、一名女鬼相伴,朝着道祖行进…… 有少年儒生,提笔写下传世之作,誓要做天下万灵的夫子…… …… 有人问少年:“你是谁?!” 白衣少年摸了一下腰间钝剑,仰头喝了口酒,咧嘴一笑:“吾名叶天,叶子的叶,天帝的天,来自秦国荒城,是一个天才丹师,更是一个天才修炼者……” 憨厚孝顺的“傻大成”乐成,为了给病中的母亲积攒阴德,跟在卢师傅身边学习纸扎活儿。据说乐成娶了个漂亮媳妇,可媳妇杜娟不但虐待婆婆,结婚还不到半年就给“傻大成”添了个儿子,让他“喜当爹”。 不久后,荒坟村里发生恶灵害人事件,据乐成透露,是杜娟堕入邪道,暗中用咒术报复曾调戏过她的赵天虎。人们设下毒计对付杜娟,可她只会无助地痛苦哭救,并不像乐成说的那样暴戾阴险。 “傻大成”的谎言被揭开,他露出虚伪狡诈的真面目:原来他一直在欺骗大家,他靠近卢师傅,只是为了偷学禁术来害人赚钱。杜娟也从未嫁给过他,他只是因爱生恨要报复杜娟,他的妈妈也被他打残“治”聋,来配合他表演…… 为了阻止乐成继续为祸人间,他的师弟潘森追踪来到胭脂河、迷雾城、荒落古镇、通灵学院,在那里他遇到了灵奇队友谢侠,决定先开办“阴语培训班”,再深入探索亡灵冥界里的秘密……在这个巨大的异界大陆上,到处都是权力的争夺,封建主义皇位之间的暗潮涌动,一个在登基典礼上就被罢黜的懦弱皇帝,怎样走上复仇之路......身患绝症的叶文偶得太极拳的真传,并且觉醒了弘扬武学系统! 只要他用武学影响更多人,就能获得积分,兑换顿悟机会,获得各种高阶武学! 甚至,治好自己的病。 从此,叶文开启了他的练武直播! 拳震所有武林宗门,脚踏世间不服之人! 只有你想不到的招式,没有我治不了的高人! 所有人都要恭恭敬敬地,在键盘上叫一声“武神”。 叶文:“货真价实的太极拳要不要学?飞檐走壁的梯云纵要不要了解一下?不要?早晚你要跪地求着我要!”【恭喜!】 【作家4462377565号成功完本】 【得到认可“神作”】 【获得作家经验10万点】 【正在抽取作品中的技能】 …… 【警告!】 【作家996331415号作品涉及违规内容】 【正在执行抹杀】 …… 【恭喜!】 【作家000005743号累计收到价值打赏币100万的礼物】 【获得作家经验1万点】 【由于此作品无特殊技能】 【正在获取其余同时期作家低一级的作品信息】 【正在抽取技能】 …… 【警告!】 【重生者004370227号抄袭后世作家作品】 【正在执行抹杀】 …… 【恭喜!】 【作家0000094941号每日更新15000字】 【获得称号“全勤(大师)”】 【获得“万界宝箱(黄金)”一个】 …… 这是一个读者为神的世界,作家是这个世界上令人敬仰的修炼者,而其余只能作为游客阅读小说的人,要么是懦弱的蝼蚁,要么是正处于保护期的未成年人。 刚穿越到这个世界的李子梦本以为可以大展才华,却发现穿越者不可抄袭原世界作品。【诸天副本降临,即将开启!】 【这是你们灵魂升华的一次机会!】 全球危机,罗明开启唯一性天赋! SSS级天赋——不对等交换! 【交换完成!您用半盒泡面交换SSS级潜力永不枯竭!】 【交换完成!您用一瓶悲酥清风交换斗转星移!】 …… 从此,罗明开启了交换新模式。虎石台的月光,上个世纪末期一代人的回忆……李十一把玩着手中的骰子,戏谑的问尸王:敢不敢与我堵上一把? 这一次我赌上人类的未来! 丧尸横行,人心难测,秩序崩塌,强者为王。 把一切命运交给骰子云云众生,草根人物,命运多殂,应何以为之?何以搏之? 滚滚的历史长河,浩如烟海的典籍,人神鼻祖,帝王将相,先贤哲人,无不树碑立传,著书立说,话其伟绩。然而,蝼蚁草芥经历了怎样的狂风暴雨,遭受了何等的苦难辛酸,亦或是又品尝了那些快乐幸福,少有问津,甚是惨淡。今攫取其中的颗粒,让芸芸众生在茶余饭后,闲暇无趣之时,偶尔翻翻,聊以打发寂寞的时日,慰藉空虚的灵魂;也可以让那些迷途的羔羊,引以为戒,奋发图强,在恰当的时间里,在适合自己的道路上披荆斩棘,勇往直前,创造属于自己的辉煌。更可以解剖人生,探究灵魂,寻求真谛,放飞心灵,让假丑恶在烈日下暴曝,使真善美在甘露里滋养;让华丽掩藏的肮脏暴露在阳光下面,使正义湮没的腐臭吹散于飓风之中。不希望名流千古,也不奢求身家有值;只是在人生末途散发余热,在风烛残年不蹉跎岁月;也可以说是菩提下的空悟,是灵台里的忏悔;是坎坷崎岖道路上的觉醒,也是酸甜苦辣滋味里的品尝。
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